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Monday, May 9, 2011

First check up

The white honey comb you see is burr comb and was removed before it could become a
nuisance in maneuvering the frames.

Just examining the frame.

All suited up, looking for the queen.


  1. The little hitch hiker must have been tired Hayley.

    OMG-I was reading up on Bumbles and Honeys and info is amazing.
    Bumbles will often take over an abandoned mouse nest, and coincidentally I found a nest last week in new shed with a mouse scurrying from it. It is a work of art, put together with bits and pieces of coverings I put on items stored there. Hopefully will be abandoned soon. I only realized last fall the mice make a round nest when discovering one in Christmas wreaths stored in shed as I took wreaths out.(Now in plastic wreath holders)

    As for the honey bees-the drone mates on the wing and dies immediately afterwards-Wassup with that?:)
    Love Nana

  2. It's true. Their sex organs get caught in the queen and are pulled out along with all their internal organs.
